Mastering Google Ad Creation for Business Growth

Google Ad Creation is a big deal for businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing. That is to say, it helps us reach more people on the internet. So, we use Google Ad Creation to show our ads to folks who are interested in what we do. This is a smart move in our digital marketing strategy.

Why is it important? For instance, it lets us talk directly to our audience. So, that means we can tell them about our services in a clear way. Also, Google Ad Creation makes sure our ads appear at the right time. This boosts our chances of getting noticed.

In other words, Google Ad Creation is like having a megaphone. But instead of yelling in a crowded place, we talk to people already interested in our message. This is super helpful for growing our business. Therefore, understanding Google Ad Creation is key for any marketer. It’s all about making connections with the right people. And that, above all, is what grows businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing.

Understanding Google Ads

Understanding Google Ads

Understanding how Google Ads can boost your business is crucial, particularly in the context of PPC services in the Philippines. In other words, it’s all about putting your brand right in front of the people looking for what you offer. So, let’s dive deep into Google Ads and uncover how Google Ad Creation plays a pivotal role, especially for businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is a platform that lets you show your ads on Google. For instance, it’s like putting up a digital signpost that guides people to your business. You pick the words that match what you sell or offer. When people search for those words, your ad can appear right there. So, it’s a smart way to meet potential customers.

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How Does Google Ad Creation Benefit Your Business?

For a business like Labridge Digital Marketing, Google Ad Creation is a game-changer. So, here’s why:

  1. Reach the Right Audience: It lets you talk to people who are already interested in what you offer. That is to say, your ad appears to folks searching for something related to your business.
  2. Control Your Costs: You only pay if someone clicks on your ad. Therefore, this means your budget is used efficiently, targeting only those interested in your services.
  3. Measure Success Easily: You can see how many people notice your ads and what action they take. This helps in understanding what works and what needs tweaking.

Practical Examples

Let’s look at an example. For instance, imagine Labridge Digital Marketing launched a campaign for a new digital marketing course. They used Google Ad Creation to target people searching for “digital marketing courses.” The ads directed interested folks to sign up for a free trial. The result? A significant uptick in sign-ups and interest in their course. This demonstrates the power of targeting and relevance.

In another case, a local bakery used Google Ads to promote their new range of sourdough bread. They targeted local foodies. Many who saw the ad visited the bakery, boosting sales. So, this shows how effective Google Ad Creation can be, even for small, local businesses.

Therefore, Google Ad Creation is not just about getting your ads out there. It’s about making smart connections with people who are likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Therefore, for businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing, mastering Google Ad Creation can lead to significant growth. Above all, it’s about understanding your audience and reaching them in the most efficient way possible.

Getting Started with Google Ad Creation

Getting Started with Google Ad Creation

Creating your first Google Ad can feel like a big step for your business. But, it’s a step that can lead to great places, especially for businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing. So, let’s break it down into simple steps to make Google Ad Creation as easy as ABC.

Step-by-Step Guide to Google Ad Creation

Before diving in, think about what you want your ad to achieve. Do you want more website visits? More calls? Sales? Having a clear goal helps shape your ad.

Step 1: Sign Up for Google Ads

  • Go to the Google Ads website.
  • Click on “Start now.”
  • Follow the prompts to set up your account.

Step 2: Set Your Goal

  • After signing up, Google will ask what you want to achieve.
  • Choose a goal that matches what you need, like more visits to your website.

Step 3: Choose Your Target Audience

  • Decide who should see your ad.
  • You can pick areas like a city, country, or even a radius around a location.

Step 4: Select Your Keywords

  • Keywords are words people use to search for your business or services.
  • Choose keywords or conduct keyword research related to what you’re offering. Think like your customer.

Step 5: Craft Your Ad

  • Write your ad text. Keep it clear and direct.
  • Mention what makes your business special. Why should someone click your ad?

Step 6: Set Your Budget

  • Decide how much you want to spend each day.
  • Google Ads can help suggest a budget based on your goals.

Step 7: Review and Launch

  • Check everything looks good.
  • Submit your ad for review. Google checks it meets all their rules.

Step 8: Monitor and Adjust

  • After your ad is live, keep an eye on how it’s doing.
  • You might need to change things to get better results.

Why This Matters

For Labridge Digital Marketing, and indeed any business, diving into Google Ad Creation opens a world of opportunity. It’s a way to reach people specifically looking for what you offer. And that means you’re not just shouting into the void. You’re speaking directly to potential customers.

Tips for Success

  • Always keep your customer in mind when choosing keywords and writing your ad.
  • Start with a small budget. Then, as you see what works, you can increase it.
  • Also, don’t forget to check how your ad is doing. It’s key to making the most of your budget.

Therefore, creating a Google Ad is a step-by-step journey. It’s about making smart choices from the start. And for a business like Labridge Digital Marketing, it’s a journey worth taking. After all, it’s about connecting with the right people at the right time. And that’s what grows businesses.

Types of Google Ads

Google Ad Creation

In the world of online advertising, understanding the different types of Google Ads is crucial. That is to say, each type serves a unique purpose and fits different kinds of marketing goals. So, let’s dive into the variety of Google Ads, helping you choose the right one for your campaign.

Exploring the Variety of Google Ads

Google Ads offers several ways to showcase your business. So, here’s a look at each type:

Search Ads

Text ads known as Search Ads are visible on Google search results pages. The beauty of Search Ads is their simplicity and effectiveness. They connect you with people actively looking for what you offer. That is to say, this direct approach can lead to high click-through rates and conversions.

For example:

A bookstore uses Search Ads to appear in results when people search for “new novels” or “bookstore near me.”

Display Ads

Display Ads are showcased on websites featured in the Google Display Network. For instance, these ads can be images, banners, or even animated ads. They’re great for building brand awareness because they catch the eye of people who might not be actively searching for your product but are still interested in related topics.

For example:

A travel agency creates eye-catching Display Ads for travel blogs, inspiring readers to book their next vacation.

Video Ads

Video advertising are shown on YouTube and other video services in the Google Display Network. These ads can appear before a video plays or in video search results. Video Ads are powerful storytelling tools. They allow for creative, engaging content that can make a strong impression on potential customers. 

For example:

A cosmetic brand launches a Video Ad campaign on YouTube, showcasing makeup tutorials using their products.

Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads showcase products in a more visual format on Google. When someone searches for a product, Google can display a picture of the item, its price, and the store. That is to say, Shopping Ads simplify the shopping experience by allowing users to compare products and prices on the spot. For businesses, they drive traffic from people ready to buy, making them extremely valuable for e-commerce sites.

For example:

An electronics retailer uses Shopping Ads to highlight their competitive prices on the latest smartphones.

App Ads

App Ads promote mobile apps across Google’s entire platform, including Search, Display, and YouTube. These ads can help drive app installations and engagement. By targeting users based on their interests and app usage patterns, App Ads can be a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

For example:

A new meditation app uses App Ads to increase installations by targeting users interested in wellness and self-care.

Choosing the Right Google Ad Type for Your Campaign

Selecting the right type of Google Ad for your campaign depends on your marketing goals. So, here’s a quick guide:

  • For direct sales or leads: Consider Search Ads or Shopping Ads. They catch users at the moment they’re ready to make a decision.
  • To build brand awareness: Display Ads and Video Ads are your go-to options. That is to say, they’re designed to grab attention and make a lasting impression.
  • To promote an app: Clearly, App Ads are the choice. They’re optimized to encourage downloads and engagement.

In conclusion, Google Ad Creation offers a flexible range of options to meet various advertising needs. Whether your goal is to increase sales, promote brand awareness, or drive app installations, there’s a Google Ad type that’s right for your campaign. By understanding the unique advantages of each, you can make informed decisions that help achieve your marketing objectives. Therefore, it’s worth spending the time to get to know these options and consider which ones align best with your goals.

Google Ads Cost

Optimizing Ad Spend for Maximum Performance

Diving into Google Ads can feel like stepping into a whole new world, especially when it comes to understanding how much it costs. For businesses looking to launch their first campaign, like Labridge Digital Marketing, getting a handle on the budget is key. So, let’s break down the factors that affect Google Ads pricing, how to manage your budget effectively, and what you can expect in terms of costs.

Understanding Google Ads Pricing

The cost of Google Ads isn’t one-size-fits-all. Therefore, it varies based on several factors:

Bidding Strategies

Google Ads uses a bidding system. You bid on keywords, and this bid can influence how often your ads are shown. High-demand keywords cost more. So, think of it as an auction; the more people want it, the higher the price.

Quality Score

Google looks at how relevant and useful your ad is to users. This is your Quality Score. To clarify, a higher score means you could pay less for a better ad position.


If many businesses are targeting the same keywords, the cost can go up. It’s all about supply and demand.

Effective Budgeting for Your Google Ads Campaign

Now, how do you manage your budget to get the most out of your ads? So, here are some tips:

Know Your Audience

Targeting the right audience can make your ads more effective and reduce wasted spend.

Use Negative Keywords

These are words you don’t want your ad to show for. That is to say, they help you avoid uninterested clicks, saving money.

Adjust Bids Based on Performance

Not all keywords perform the same. So, increase bids on high-performing keywords and lower them on underperformers.

Estimating Google Ads Cost

The cost of running Google Ads in the Philippines can vary widely. On average, businesses might spend anywhere from ₱50 to ₱200 per click for competitive keywords. However, this is a broad estimate. That is to say, the actual cost depends on your industry, competition, and the quality of your ads.

For a small to medium-sized business starting out, a monthly budget of ₱10,000 to ₱50,000 can be a good starting point. Therefore, this allows room to test different strategies and find what works best for your specific needs.

Maximizing ROI on Your Google Ads

Achieving a good return on investment requires constant tweaking and testing. So, here are some strategies:

  • Track Everything: Use Google Analytics to track how well your ads convert. Therefore, this helps you see where your money is going.
  • Optimize Landing Pages: Make sure the page people land on after clicking your ad is relevant and easy to navigate.
  • Test Ad Variations: Try different ad texts and formats to see what gets the best response.

In conclusion, managing Google Ad Creation costs effectively means understanding the many factors that influence pricing, from bidding strategies to competition. For businesses in the Philippines, starting with a realistic budget and using smart strategies to optimize ad spend can lead to successful campaigns.

Remember, the goal is to make every peso count, driving valuable traffic to your site that converts into customers. Therefore, keep refining your approach, and soon you’ll see the kind of return that makes Google Ads an invaluable part of your digital marketing strategy.

Keywords and Google Ad Creation

Keywords and Google Ad Creation

In the bustling world of digital marketing, mastering the art of keyword research for Google Ad Creation is like finding a map to hidden treasure. So, for anyone stepping into this arena, understanding the role of keywords is fundamental. Let’s take a closer look at why keywords are so crucial and how you can become a pro at finding the right ones for your campaigns.

Mastering Keyword Research for Google Ads

Keyword research is the process of finding words or phrases that people use in search engines. That is to say, these are the clues that tell us what our audience is looking for. For businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing, selecting the right keywords means their ads appear to the right people at the right time.

Why Keywords Matter

Keywords serve as the link connecting users’ search queries with the content you offer to fulfill their requirements. In Google Ad Creation, choosing the right keywords helps your ads to show up in relevant searches. So, this means more clicks, more visitors, and potentially, more customers.

Finding the Right Keywords

Start with brainstorming. Think about your products or services. What words would people use to find them? Also, consider variations and related terms. For instance, if you’re selling coffee, consider “best coffee,” “coffee beans,” and “artisan coffee.”

Tools for Finding the Right Keywords

Thankfully, we don’t have to guess what our audience is searching for. Various tools are available to assist us in this process. Both free and paid tools can offer insights into popular search terms, their search volume, and competition.

Free Tools

  • Google Keyword Planner: Directly from the horse’s mouth, this tool gives insights into search volumes and competition for keywords. That is to say, it’s designed for Google Ad Creation, making it a great starting point.
  • Ubersuggest: Offers keyword suggestions, competition levels, and potential search volume. also, it’s user-friendly, making it a good option for beginners.

Paid Tools

  • SEMRush: A comprehensive tool that not only helps with keyword research but also gives insights into competitors’ strategies.
  • Ahrefs: Known for its detailed reports and useful insights into keywords, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and ranking pages.

Each tool has its strengths. While free tools are a great way to start, paid tools can offer deeper insights and a competitive edge.

Implementing Keywords in Google Ad Creation

Once you have your list of keywords, the next step is implementation. Here’s how:

  • Use Keywords in Ad Text: Incorporate your main keywords into your ad’s headline and description. Therefore, this makes your ad more relevant to the search query.
  • Landing Page Optimization: Ensure the landing page your ad points to is relevant to your keywords. So, this improves the user experience and can boost your Quality Score in Google Ads, potentially lowering your cost per click.

Therefore, keyword research is not just a task to tick off in your Google Ad Creation process; it’s an ongoing strategy to connect with your audience. In other words, using the right tools to uncover what your potential customers are searching for gives you the insight to craft more effective ads.

Above all, remember that the goal is to answer the searcher’s query as closely as possible, making their journey from search to solution seamless. For businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing, mastering keyword research means not just reaching their audience, but resonating with them.

Optimizing Your Google Ads for Maximum Performance

Optimizing Your Google Ads for Maximum Performance

Optimizing your Google Ads is like tuning a musical instrument. When everything is in harmony, your ads perform better, reaching more people who are interested in what you offer. For those diving into Google Ad Creation, like our friends at Labridge Digital Marketing, optimizing ads is a key step to success. So, let’s explore how to fine-tune your campaigns for maximum performance and reporting.

Optimization Tips for Google Ad Creation

Optimizing your Google Ads involves several strategies that work together to improve your ad’s effectiveness. Therefore, here are some top tips:

Focus on Relevance

Ensure that your ad text is closely aligned with the keywords you’re aiming to target. This helps in catching the attention of the right audience. For instance, if your keyword is “best digital marketing services,” your ad should clearly mention these services.

Use Strong Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

Your ad should have a clear CTA, telling viewers exactly what you want them to do, like “Contact us today” or “Get a free quote.” Therefore, this encourages people to take the next step.

Test Different Ad Variations

Don’t stick to one version of your ad. For instance, try different headlines, descriptions, and CTAs. See what combination works best. This is called A/B testing.

Improving Your Google Ads Quality Score

The Quality Score is like a report card for your ads, keywords, and landing pages. In other words, a higher score can lead to lower costs and better ad positions. So, here’s how to boost it:

Enhance Your Landing Page

The page people land on after clicking your ad should match what they’re expecting. So, make sure it’s relevant, easy to navigate, and fast-loading. This not only improves user experience but also your Quality Score.

Add Negative Keywords

Negative keywords prevent your ad from being shown to the wrong audience. For example, if you’re selling luxury watches, you might add “cheap” as a negative keyword.

Keep Your Ads Grouped Tightly

Organize your ads into tightly themed groups based on your keywords. Therefore, this increases the relevance of your ads to your target audience.

Tips on Ad Copy, Landing Page Optimization, and Bidding Strategies

Let’s dive a bit deeper into these aspects:

Crafting Effective Ad Copy

  • Keep it simple and to the point. Remember, you have limited space.
  • Highlight what makes your offer unique. Why should someone click on your ad?
  • Include keywords naturally. This makes your ad more relevant to what people are searching for.

Landing Page Optimization

  • Ensure the headline of your landing page aligns with your ad’s promise.
  • Use high-quality images and easy-to-read text.
  • Include clear, compelling CTAs that guide visitors toward conversion.

Smart Bidding Strategies

  • Start with manual bids to understand how much clicks are worth to you.
  • Once you have enough data, consider automated bidding strategies like CPA (cost per acquisition) or ROAS (return on ad spend) to optimize bids based on your goals.

In summary, enhancing your Google Ads is a continuous endeavor that demands meticulousness and a readiness to explore new approaches. By focusing on relevance, testing different ad variations, and improving your Quality Score, you can significantly enhance your campaign’s performance.

Therefore, it’s crucial to keep refining your strategies, staying on top of trends, and, above all, understanding your audience’s needs. This is how businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing can make the most out of their Google Ad Creation efforts, ensuring they not only reach but also resonate with their target market.

Advanced Techniques in Google Ad Creation

Advanced Techniques in Google Ad Creation

Diving deeper into Google Ad Creation, there are advanced strategies that seasoned marketers can use to take their campaigns to the next level. These tactics are designed to enhance visibility, engagement, and ultimately, the success of your advertising efforts. So, let’s explore some of these advanced techniques, focusing on making them understandable for everyone.

Leveraging Remarketing in Google Ad Creation

Remarketing campaigns is a powerful tool in your advertising arsenal. It allows you to show ads to people who have previously visited your website but didn’t make a purchase or complete an action. This is how it works:

  1. Someone visits your site: They look around but leave without buying anything.
  2. They browse other websites: Your ad appears on these other sites, reminding them of what they were interested in on your site.
  3. They return: Seeing the ad reminds them to come back and complete their purchase.

Remarketing is effective because it targets people already interested in what you offer. It’s like saying, “Hey, remember us? We’ve got what you need!” This makes them more likely to come back and convert.

Utilizing Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions are additions to your Google Ads that provide extra information and ways for potential customers to interact with your ad. They can improve your ad’s visibility and the likelihood that people will click on it. Here are a few types:

  • Call Extensions: Incorporate your contact number into the advertisement. Great for businesses where customers might want to call before they buy.
  • Location Extensions: Show your business address to help local customers find you.
  • Sitelink Extensions: Include links to specific pages on your site, like special offers or product categories.

Using ad extensions makes your ad bigger and gives it more presence on the search results page. That is to say, it’s more likely to catch someone’s eye.

A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, is when you create two versions of your ad to see which one performs better. You might change the headline, the call to action, or the image, for instance. By comparing the results, you can see which version resonates more with your audience. This is a process of trial and improvement, always aiming to find the most effective ad.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads automatically personalize content to each viewer based on their past interactions with your website. For example, if someone looked at a specific product on your site, your ad could show them that exact product when they browse other websites. It’s a highly personalized approach that can significantly increase conversion rates.

In conclusion, advanced Google Ad Creation techniques like remarketing, utilizing ad extensions, A/B testing, and dynamic ads offer powerful ways to enhance your marketing efforts. By implementing these strategies, you can make your ads more visible, engaging, and tailored to your audience’s needs. Therefore, it’s worth investing time to master these advanced tactics. For businesses aiming for growth, like Labridge Digital Marketing, these strategies can make a significant difference in the success of your Google Ads campaigns.

Canceling Your Google Ads

Ethical Considerations and Privacy Compliance

Sometimes, whether for budget reasons, strategy shifts, or performance evaluations, you might find yourself needing to cancel or pause your Google Ads campaign. This process, integral to Google Ad Creation, allows for flexibility and control over your advertising efforts. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to do it, along with things to consider before taking such a step.

How to Cancel Your Google Ads Campaign

Canceling or pausing a Google Ads campaign is relatively simple. Here’s how:

  1. Log into your Google Ads account: Go to the main dashboard where you see an overview of your campaigns.
  2. Select the campaign you wish to pause or cancel: Find the campaign in your list of active campaigns.
  3. Pause or remove: To temporarily stop your campaign, click on the “pause” button. If you decide you want to cancel it, select “remove.” Pausing allows you to restart at any time, while removing takes the campaign out of active status permanently.

Remember, pausing a campaign keeps it intact for future use, which is handy if you plan to restart your marketing efforts later.

Things to Consider Before Canceling Your Google Ads

Before you hit pause or stop, think about a few things:

Why are you stopping?

Is it performance, budget, or strategy? Knowing why helps decide if pausing or canceling is the best option.

Have you analyzed your data?

Look at your campaign’s data. Sometimes, small tweaks can turn a struggling campaign into a successful one.

What’s the impact?

Consider how stopping will affect your overall marketing strategy. Will it leave a gap? Do you have other marketing efforts that will cover this?

The Implications of Pausing or Stopping Campaigns

Pausing or canceling your Google Ads can have several implications:

  • Data Collection: Stopping campaigns halts data collection, which can impact your ability to analyze and improve future campaigns.
  • Audience Reach: Pausing reduces your visibility and can lead to a decrease in audience reach and engagement.
  • Overall Strategy: Your digital marketing strategy might need adjustment if Google Ads play a significant role in driving traffic and conversions.

In conclusion, whether you’re pausing or canceling your Google Ads campaign, it’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially in the context of campaign management. Consider the reasons behind this move and the potential impacts on your marketing strategy. For businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing, maintaining flexibility in advertising efforts is crucial, and understanding when and how to pause or cancel campaigns is part of managing a successful online advertising strategy. Remember, the goal of Google Ad Creation is not just to launch campaigns but to manage them effectively to meet your business objectives.

Measuring Success: Google Ads Analytics

Measuring Success: Google Ads Analytics

In the dynamic world of online advertising, measuring and understanding the performance of your Google Ads is crucial. For businesses venturing into Google Ad Creation, such as Labridge Digital Marketing, navigating through Google Ads Analytics can seem daunting at first. However, with the right approach, it becomes a powerful tool in enhancing your advertising strategy. Let’s break down how to effectively measure and analyze your Google Ads performance.

Analyzing Google Ad Performance

The first step in gauging the success of your Google Ads is diving into the analytics. Google Ads provides a wealth of data, but knowing which metrics to focus on can help you make sense of it all.

Key Metrics for Google Ads Success

Several metrics are pivotal in assessing how well your Google Ads are performing:

  • Click-through Rate (CTR): This shows the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. A strong CTR suggests that your ad resonates with and captivates your target audience.
  • Conversion Rate: It measures how many clicks on your ad result in a conversion, such as a sale, sign-up, or another goal. This metric helps you understand how effectively your ad drives action.
  • Quality Score: Google evaluates the quality and pertinence of your keywords and advertisements. A higher score can lead to lower costs and better ad positions.
  • Cost per Conversion: This tells you how much each conversion costs. Keeping this number low is crucial for maximizing ROI.

Focusing on these metrics gives you a clear picture of your ad’s effectiveness, guiding you on where to make improvements.

The Importance of Continuous Optimization

Analyzing your Google Ads’ performance is not a one-time task. It’s an ongoing process that involves:

  • Testing: Experiment with diverse ad variations to determine the most effective approach. This includes changing up ad copy, images, and targeting options.
  • Adjusting Bids: Based on your ad performance, you may need to adjust your bids on certain keywords to ensure you’re investing in the most profitable areas.
  • Refining Targeting: Use the data to better understand your audience. You may discover new targeting opportunities or realize you need to adjust your current parameters.

Continuous optimization means always looking for ways to improve your ads based on the data you collect. This iterative process ensures that your campaigns become more effective over time, maximizing your return on investment.

In conclusion, measuring and analyzing the performance of your Google Ads is essential for any business looking to make the most of its digital advertising efforts. By focusing on key metrics and committing to continuous optimization, you can ensure that your campaigns are as effective as possible.

For businesses like Labridge Digital Marketing, navigating through Google Ads Analytics is not just about understanding current performance but also about finding opportunities for growth and improvement. Therefore, always keep an eye on the data, and let it guide your advertising decisions. This approach will not only help in achieving immediate campaign goals but also in setting the foundation for long-term success in the digital advertising realm.


Navigating Google Ad Creation is key to staying ahead in digital marketing. By mastering ad optimization, keyword research, and understanding analytics, businesses can effectively connect with their audience. The future of Google Ad Creation is bright, offering endless possibilities for those ready to explore and implement advanced strategies. Now is the time to start refining your Google Ads campaigns, ensuring your business remains competitive and visible in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Let’s embrace these changes and continue to grow together.


What is making Google Ads?

Making Google Ads is about setting up ads on Google, like in search results or YouTube, to show what you’re selling or offering to people interested in it.

Why do we need to pick the right words for Google Ads?

Picking the right words means your ads show up when people search for things related to what you offer, helping more people notice your ads.

How can I make my Google Ads better?

You can make your ads better by making sure your ads and the pages they go to are really about what people are searching for and making everything easy to read and use.

What are some smart ways to use Google Ads?

Smart ways include choosing words that match what you’re selling, adding extra info to your ads, trying different ads to see which works best, and setting your budget wisely based on what works.

What is reminding past visitors about my site with Google Ads?

This is when you show ads to people who visited your site before but didn’t buy anything, encouraging them to come back and maybe make a purchase this time.

How do I stop or pause my Google Ads?

To stop or pause your ads, log in to Google Ads, pick the ad you want to change, and either pause it to stop it temporarily or remove it to stop it for good.

What should I think about before stopping my Google Ads?

Think about why you want to stop, what the ads data tells you, and how stopping might affect your overall plans to reach out to customers.

What happens if I pause or stop my Google Ads?

If you pause or stop your ads, you won’t collect new data, fewer people will see your ads, and it could affect your plans for reaching customers.

How do I know if my Google Ads are working well?

You can tell if your ads are working by looking at things like how many people click on them, how many take action after clicking, and how much you’re spending to get those actions.

What’s coming up for Google Ads?

Google Ads is getting better at showing your ads to the right people at the right time, making it even easier for you to reach out to customers interested in what you have to offer.

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